



The Bible

Bible Usage:


  • Included in Eastons: Yes
  • Included in Hitchcocks: Yes
  • Included in Naves: No
  • Included in Smiths: Yes
  • Included in Websters: No
  • Included in Strongs: Yes
  • Included in Thayers: Yes
  • Included in BDB: No

Strongs Concordance:

  • G78 Used 1 time


Easton's Bible Dictionary

Ornament, (Luke 3:28), the son of Cosam, and father of Melchi, one of the progenitors of Christ.

Hitchcock's Names Dictionary

my witness; adorned; prey

Smith's Bible Dictionary

(ornament). (Luke 3:28) Son of Cosam, and father of Melchi in our Lord's genealogy; the third above Salathiel.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDIBIL'ITY, noun The possibility of being added.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

AD'DIBLE, adjective [See Add.] That may be added.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDICT', adjective Addicted. [Not much used.]

ADDICT', verb transitive [Latin addico, to devote, from ad and dico, to dedicate.]

To apply one's self habitually; to devote time and attention by customary or constant practice; sometimes in a good sense.

They have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints. 1 Corinthians 16:15.

More usually, in a bad sense, to follow customarily, or devote, by habitually practicing that which is ill; as, a man is addicted to intemperance.

To addict one's self to a person, a sense borrowed from the Romans, who used the word for assigning debtors in service to their creditors, is found in Ben Jonson, but is not legitimate in English.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDICT'ED, participle passive Devoted by customary practice.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDICT'EDNESS, noun The quality or state of being addicted.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDICT'ING, participle present tense Devoting time and attention; practicing customarily.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary


1. The act of devoting or giving up in practice; the state of being devoted.

His addiction was to courses vain.

2. Among the Romans, a making over goods to another by sale or legal sentence; also an assignment of debtors in service in their creditors.

Hitchcock's Names Dictionary

adorned; delicious; voluptuous

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADD'ING, participle present tense Joining; putting together; increasing.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDIT'AMENT, noun [Latin additamentum, from additus and ment. See Add.]

An addition, or rather the thing added, as furniture in a house; any material mixed with the principal ingredient in a compound. Ancient anatomists gave the name to an epiphysis, or junction of bones without articulation. [Little used in either sense.]

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDI'TION, noun [Latin additio, from addo.]

1. The act of adding, opposed to subtraction, or diminution; as, a sum is increased by addition

2. Any thing added, whether material or immaterial.

3. In arithmetic, the uniting of two or more numbers in one sum; also the rule or branch of arithmetic which treats of adding numbers. Simple addition is the joining of sums of the same denomination, as pounds to pounds, dollars to dollars. Compound addition is the joining of sums of different denominations, as dollars and cents.

4. In law, a title annexed to a man's name, to show his rank, occupation or place of residence; as John Doe, Esq.; Richard Roe, Gent; Robert Dale, Mason; Thomas Way, of New York.

5. In music, a dot at the side of a note, to lengthen its sound one half.

6. In heraldry, something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honor, opposed to abatements, as bordure, quarter, canton, gyron, pile, etc. See these terms.

7. In distilling, any thing added to the wash or liquor in a state of fermentation.

8. In popular language, an advantage, ornament, improvement; that is, an addition by way of eminence.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDI'TIONAL, adjective That is added. it is used by Bacon for addition; but improperly.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADDI'TIONALLY, adverb By way of addition.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADD'ITIVE, adjective That may be added, or that is to be added.

Webster's 1828 Dictionary

ADD'ITORY, adjective That adds, or may add.