
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:9
- Last Reference: Revelation 13:2
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H3715 Used 16 times
- H3833 Used 10 times
- H3918 Used 3 times
- H4480 Used 1 time
- H738 Used 59 times
- H744 Used 1 time
- H7826 Used 7 times
- H7830 Used 1 time
- G3023 Used 6 times
King of beasts
Micah 5:8
Fierceness of
Job 4:10; Job 28:8; Psalms 7:2; Proverbs 22:13; Jeremiah 2:15; Jeremiah 49:19; Jeremiah 50:44; Hosea 13:8
The roaring of
Psalms 22:13; Proverbs 20:2
Strength of
Proverbs 30:30; Isaiah 38:13; Joel 1:6
Instincts of, in taking prey
Psalms 10:9; Psalms 17:12; Lamentations 3:10; Amos 3:4; Nahum 2:12
Lair of, in the jungles
Jeremiah 4:7; Jeremiah 25:38
The bases in the temple ornamented by mouldings of
1 Kings 7:29; 1 Kings 7:36
Twelve statues of, on the stairs leading to Solomon's throne
1 Kings 10:19-20
Samson's riddle concerning
Judges 14:14; Judges 14:18
Proverb of
Ecclesiastes 9:4
Parable of
Ezekiel 19:1-9
Kept in captivity
Ezekiel 27:6
Sent as judgment upon the Samaritans
2 Kings 17:25-26
Slain by:
Judges 14:5-9
1 Samuel 17:34; 1 Samuel 17:36
2 Samuel 23:20
Hebrews 11:33
Disobedient prophet slain by
1 Kings 13:24-28
An unnamed person slain by
1 Kings 20:36
Used for the torture of criminals
Daniel 6:16-24; Daniel 7:12; 2 Timothy 4:17
Of a ruler's wrath
Proverbs 19:12; Jeremiah 5:6; Jeremiah 50:17; Hosea 5:14
Of Satan
1 Peter 5:8
Of divine judgments
Isaiah 15:9
Genesis 49:9; Isaiah 29:1; Ezekiel 1:10; Ezekiel 10:14; Daniel 7:4; Revelation 4:7; Revelation 5:5; Revelation 9:8; Revelation 9:17; Revelation 13:2
"The most powerful, daring and impressive of all carnivorous animals, the most magnificent in aspect and awful in voice." At present lions do not exist in Palestine; but they must in ancient times have been numerous. The lion of Palestine was in all probability the Asiatic variety, described by Aristotle and Pliny as distinguished by its short and curly mane, and by being shorter and rounder in shape, like the sculptured lion found at Arban. It was less daring than the longer named species, but when driven by hunger it not only ventured to attack the flocks in the desert in presence of the shepherd, (1 Samuel 17:34; Isaiah 31:4) but laid waste towns and villages, (2 Kings 17:25,26; Proverbs 22:13; 26:13) and devoured men. (1 Kings 13:24; 20:36) Among the Hebrews, and throughout the Old Testament, the lion was the achievement of the princely tribe of Judah, while in the closing book of the canon it received a deeper significance as the emblem of him who "prevailed to open the book and loose the seven seals thereof." (Revelation 5:5) On the other hand its fierceness and cruelty rendered it an appropriate metaphor for a fierce and malignant enemy. (Psalms 7:2; 22:21; 57:4; 2 Timothy 4:17) and hence for the arch-fiend himself. (1 Peter 5:8)
LI'ON, noun [Latin leo, leonis, Gr.]
1. A quadruped of the genus Felis, very strong, fierce and rapacious. The largest lions are eight or nine feet in length. The male has a thick head, beset with long bushy hair of a yellowish color. The lion is a native of Africa and the warm climates of Asia. His aspect is noble, his gait stately, and his roar tremendous.
2. A sign in the zodiac.
LI'ONESS, noun The female of the lion kind.
LI'ONLIKE, adjective Like a lion; fierce.
LI'ON-METTLED, adjective Having the courage and spirit of a lion.
LION'S FOOT, noun A plant of the genus Catananche.
LION'S LEAF, noun A plant of the genus Leontice.
LION'S TAIL, noun A plant of the genus Leonurus.
The most powerful of all carnivorous animals. Although not now found in Palestine, they must have been in ancient times very numerous there. They had their lairs in the forests (Jeremiah 5:6; 12:8; Amos 3:4), in the caves of the mountains (Song of Solomon 4:8; Nahum 2:12), and in the canebrakes on the banks of the Jordan (Jeremiah 49:19; 50:44; Zechariah 11:3).
No fewer than at least six different words are used in the Old Testament for the lion.
1. Gor (i.e., a "suckling"), the lion's whelp (Genesis 49:9; Jeremiah 51:38, etc.).
2. Kephir (i.e., "shaggy"), the young lion (Judges 14:5; Job 4:10; Psalms 91:13; 104:21), a term which is also used figuratively of cruel enemies (Psalms 34:10; 35:17; 58:6; Jeremiah 2:15).
3. 'Ari (i.e., the "puller" in pieces), denoting the lion in general, without reference to age or sex (Numbers 23:24; 2 Samuel 17:10, etc.).
4. Shahal (the "roarer"), the mature lion (Job 4:10; Psalms 91:13; Proverbs 26:13; Hosea 5:14).
5. Laish, so called from its strength and bravery (Job 4:11; Proverbs 30:30; Isaiah 30:6). The capital of Northern Dan received its name from this word.
6. Labi, from a root meaning "to roar," a grown lion or lioness (Genesis 49:9; Numbers 23:24; 24:9; Ezekiel 19:2; Nahum 2:11).
The lion of Palestine was properly of the Asiatic variety, distinguished from the African variety, which is larger. Yet it not only attacked flocks in the presence of the shepherd, but also laid waste towns and villages (2 Kings 17:25, 26) and devoured men (1 Kings 13:24, 25). Shepherds sometimes, single-handed, encountered lions and slew them (1 Samuel 17:34, 35; Amos 3:12). Samson seized a young lion with his hands and "rent him as he would have rent a kid" (Judges 14:5, 6). The strength (Judges 14:18), courage (2 Samuel 17:10), and ferocity (Genesis 49:9) of the lion were proverbial.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 49:9
- Last Reference: Revelation 13:2
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H3715 Used 16 times
- H3833 Used 10 times
- H3918 Used 3 times
- H4480 Used 1 time
- H738 Used 59 times
- H744 Used 1 time
- H7826 Used 7 times
- H7830 Used 1 time
- G3023 Used 6 times