
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 37:36
- Last Reference: Acts 28:16
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2876 Used 30 times
- H2877 Used 1 time
- H4928 Used 2 times
- H4929 Used 3 times
- H7323 Used 14 times
- G4759 Used 1 time
1. Heb. tabbah (properly a "cook," and in a secondary sense "executioner," because this office fell to the lot of the cook in Eastern countries), the bodyguard of the kings of Egypt (Genesis 37:36) and Babylon (2 Kings 25:8; Jeremiah 40:1; Daniel 2:14).
2. Heb. rats, properly a "courier," one whose office was to run before the king's chariot (2 Samuel 15:1; 1 Kings 1:5). The couriers were also military guards (1 Samuel 22:17; 2 Kings 10:25). They were probably the same who under David were called Pelethites (1 Kings 14:27; 2 Samuel 15:1).
3. Heb. mishmereth, one who watches (Nehemiah 4:22), or a watch-station (7:3; 12:9; Job 7:12).
In the New Testament (Mark 6:27) the Authorized Version renders the Greek spekulator by "executioner," earlier English versions by "hangman," the Revised Version by "soldier of his guard." The word properly means a "pikeman" or "halberdier," of whom the bodyguard of kings and princes was composed. In Matthew 27:65, 66; 28:11, the Authorized Version renders the Greek kustodia by "watch," and the Revised Version by "guard," the Roman guard, which consisted of four soldiers, who were relieved every three hours (Acts 12:4). The "captain of the guard" mentioned Acts 28:16 was the commander of the Praetorian troops, whose duty it was to receive and take charge of all prisoners from the provinces.
See Watchman
GUARD, verb transitive gard. [Latin verus; wahren, to keep, to last, to hold out; bewahren, to keep or preserve; bewahren, to verify, to confirm; Eng. ware, aware; ]
1. To secure against injury, loss or attack; to protect; to defend; to keep in safety. We guard a city by walls and forts. A harbor is guarded by ships, booms or batteries. Innocence should be guarded by prudence and piety. Let observation and experience guard us against temptations to vice.
2. To secure against objections or the attacks of malevolence.
Homer has guarded every circumstance with caution.
3. To accompany and protect; to accompany for protection; as, to guard a general on a journey; to guard the baggage of an army.
4. To adorn with lists, laces or ornaments.
5. To gird; to fasten by binding.
GUARD, verb intransitive To watch by way of caution or defense; to be cautions; to be in a state of defense or safety. guard against mistakes, or against temptations.
GUARD, noun [Eng. ward.]
1. Defense; preservation or security against injury, loss or attack.
2. That which secures against attack or injury; that which defends. Modesty is the guard of innocence.
3. A man or body of men occupied in preserving a person or place from attack or injury; he or they whose business is to defend, or to prevent attack or surprise. Kings have their guards to secure their persons. Joseph was sold to Potiphar, a captain of Pharaoh's guard
4. A state of caution or vigilance; or the act of observing what passes in order to prevent surprise or attack; care; attention; watch; heed. Be on your guard Temerity puts a man off his guard
5. That which secures against objections or censure; caution of expression.
They have expressed themselves with as few guards and restrictions as I.
6. Part of the hilt of a sword, which protects the hand.
7. In fencing, a posture of defense.
8. An ornamental lace, hem or boarder.
Advanced guard
Van guard In military affairs, a body of troops, either horse or foot, that march before an army or division, to prevent surprise, or give notice of danger.
Rear guard a body of troops that march in the rear of an army or division, for its protection.
Life guard a body of select troops, whose duty is to defend the person of a prince or other officer.
GUARD'-BOAT, noun A boat appointed to row the rounds among ships of war in a harbor, to observe that their officers keep a good look-out.
GUARD'-CHAMBER, noun A guard-room. 1 Kings 14:27.
GUARD'ABLE, adjective That may be protected.
GUARD'AGE, noun Wardship.
GUARD'ANT, adjective Acting as guardian.
1. In heraldry, having the face turned toward the spectator.
GUARD'ED, participle passive Defended; protected; accompanied by a guard; provided with means of defense.
1. Cautions; circumspect. He was guarded in his expressions.
2. Framed or uttered with caution; as, his expressions were guarded
GUARD'EDLY, adverb With circumspection.
GUARD'EDNESS, noun Caution; circumspection.
GUARD'ER, noun One that guards.
GUARD'FUL, adjective Wary; cautious.
1. A warden; one who guards, preserves or secures; one to whom any thing is committed for preservation from injury.
2. In law, one who is chosen or appointed to take charge of the estate and education of an orphan who is a minor, or of any person who is not of sufficient discretion to manage his own concerns. The person committed to the care of a guardian is called his ward.
Guardian of the spiritualities, the person to whom the spiritual jurisdiction of a diocese is entrusted, during the vacancy of the see.
GUARD'IAN, adjective Protection; performing the office of a protector; as a guardian angel; guardian care.
GUARD'IANESS, noun A female guardian. [Not in use.]
GUARD'IANSHIP, noun The office of a guardian; protection; care; watch.
GUARD'ING, participle present tense Defending; protecting; securing; attending for protection.
GUARD'LESS, adjective Without a guard or defense.
GUARD'-ROOM, noun A room for the accommodation of guards.
GUARD'-SHIP, noun A vessel of war appointed to superintend the marine affairs in a harbor or river, and to receive impressed seamen.
GUARD'SHIP, noun Care; protection. [Little used.]

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Genesis 37:36
- Last Reference: Acts 28:16
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2876 Used 30 times
- H2877 Used 1 time
- H4928 Used 2 times
- H4929 Used 3 times
- H7323 Used 14 times
- G4759 Used 1 time