
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Numbers 33:55
- Last Reference: Acts 26:14
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
PRICK, verb transitive
1. To pierce with a sharp pointed instrument or substance; as, to prick one with a pin, a needle, a thorn or the like.
2. To erect a pointed thing, or with an acuminated point; applied chiefly to the ears, and primarily to the pointed ears of an animal. The horse pricks his ears, or pricks up his ears.
3. To fix by the point; as, to prick a knife into a board.
4. To hang on a point.
The cooks prick a slice on a prong of iron.
5. To designate by a puncture or mark.
Some who are pricked for sheriffs, and are fit, set out of the bill.
6. To spur; to goad; to incite; sometimes with on or off.
My duty pricks me on to utter that
Which no worldly good should draw from me.
But how if honor prick me off.
7. To affect with sharp pain; to sting with remorse.
When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts. Acts 2:37. Psalms 73:21.
8. To make acid or pungent to the taste; as, wine is pricked.
9. To write a musical composition with the proper notes on a scale.
10. In seamen's language, to run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail.
To prick a chart, is to trace a ship's course on a chart.
PRICK, verb intransitive To become acid; as, cider pricks in the rays of the sun.
1. To dress one's self for show.
2. To come upon the spur; to shoot along.
Before each van
PRICK forth the airy knights.
3. To aim at a point, mark or place.
PRICK, noun
1. A slender pointed instrument or substance, which is hard enough to pierce the skin; a goad; a spur.
It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 9:5.
2. Sharp stinging pain; remorse.
3. A spot or mark at which archers aim.
4. A point; a fixed place.
5. A puncture or place entered by a point.
6. The print of a hare on the ground.
7. In seamen's language, a small roll; as a prick of spun yarn; a prick of tobacco.
PRICK'ED, participle passive Pierced with a sharp point; spurred; goaded; stung with pain; rendered acid or pungent; marked; designated.
PRICK'ER, noun A sharp pointed instrument.
1. In colloquial use, a prickle.
2. A light horseman. [Not in use.]
PRICK'ET, noun A buck in his second year.
PRICK'ING, participle present tense Piercing with a sharp point; goading; affecting with pungent pain; making or becoming acid.
PRICK'ING, noun A sensation of sharp pain, or of being pricked.
PRICK'LE, noun In botany, a small pointed shoot or sharp process, growing from the bark only, and thus distinguished from the thorn, which grows from the wood of a plant. Thus the rose, the bramble, the gooseberry and the barberry are armed with prickles.
1. A sharp pointed process of an animal.
PRICK'LE-BACK, noun A small fish, so named from the prickles on its back; the stickle-back.
PRICK'LINESS, noun [from prickly.] The state of having many prickles.
PRICK'LOUSE, noun A low word in contempt for a taylor.
PRICK'LY, adjective Full of sharp points or prickles; armed with prickles; as a prickly shrub.
PRICK'MADAM, noun A species of house-leek.
PRICK'PUNCH, noun A piece of tempered steel with a round point, to prick a round mark on cold iron.
PRICK'SONG, noun A song set to music, or a variegated song; in distinction from a plain song.
PRICK'WOOD, noun A tree of the genus Euonymus.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Numbers 33:55
- Last Reference: Acts 26:14
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance: