
Bible Usage:
- year used 367 times.
- yearly used 9 times.
- years used 537 times.
- year's used twice.
- years' used twice.
- First Reference: Genesis 1:14
- Last Reference: Revelation 20:7
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H3117 Used 5 times
- H8140 Used 2 times
- H8141 Used 455 times
- G1096 Used 1 time
- G1333 Used 1 time
- G1763 Used 2 times
- G2094 Used 41 times
- G2250 Used 2 times
- G4137 Used 1 time
- G5063 Used 1 time
- G5148 Used 1 time
Heb. shanah, meaning "repetition" or "revolution" (Genesis 1:14; 5:3). Among the ancient Egyptians the year consisted of twelve months of thirty days each, with five days added to make it a complete revolution of the earth round the sun. The Jews reckoned the year in two ways, (1) according to a sacred calendar, in which the year began about the time of the vernal equinox, with the month Abib; and (2) according to a civil calendar, in which the year began about the time of the autumnal equinox, with the month Nisan. The month Tisri is now the beginning of the Jewish year.
General references
Genesis 1:14
Divided into months
General references
Exodus 12:2; Numbers 10:10; Numbers 28:11
Annual feasts
Annual feasts
Leviticus 25:5
Redemption of houses sold, limited to one year
Leviticus 25:29-30
Land to rest, one in seven
Leviticus 25:5
Of release
Deuteronomy 15:9
Age computed by:
Of Abraham
Genesis 25:7
Of Jacob
Genesis 47:9
A thousand years, with the Lord as one day
Psalms 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8
Satan to be bound a thousand years
Revelation 20:2-4; Revelation 20:7
Jubilee; Millennium; Time
the highest ordinary division of time. Two years were known to, and apparently used by, the Hebrews.
- A year of 360 days appears to have been in use in Noah's time.
- The year used by the Hebrews from the time of the exodus may: be said to have been then instituted, since a current month, Abib, on the 14th day of which the first Passover was kept, was then made the first month of the year. The essential characteristics of this year can be clearly determined, though we cannot fix those of any single year. It was essentially solar for the offering of productions of the earth, first-fruits, harvest produce and ingathered fruits, was fixed to certain days of the year, two of which were in the periods of great feasts, the third itself a feast reckoned from one of the former days. But it is certain that the months were lunar, each commencing with a new moon. There must therefore have been some method of adjustment. The first point to be decided is how the commencement of each gear was fixed. Probably the Hebrews determined their new year's day by the observation of heliacal or other star-risings or settings known to mark the right time of the solar year. It follows, from the determination of the proper new moon of the first month, whether by observation of a stellar phenomenon or of the forwardness of the crops, that the method of intercalation can only have been that in use after the captivity,
the addition of a thirteenth month whenever the twelfth ended too long before the equinox for the offering of the first-fruits to be made at the time fixed. The later Jews had two commencements of the year, whence it is commonly but inaccurately said that they had two years, the sacred year and the civil. We prefer to speak of the sacred and civil reckonings. The sacred reckoning was that instituted at the exodus, according to which the first month was Abib; by the civil reckoning the first month was the seventh. The interval between the two commencements was thus exactly half a year. It has been supposed that the institution at the time of the exodus was a change of commencement, not the introduction of a new year, and that thenceforward the year had two beginnings, respectively at about the vernal and the autumnal equinox. The year was divided into
- Seasons . Two seasons are mentioned in the Bible, "summer" and "winter." The former properly means the time of cutting fruits, the latter that, of gathering fruits; they are therefore originally rather summer and autumn than summer and winter. But that they signify ordinarily the two grand divisions of the year, the warm and cold seasons, is evident from their use for the whole year in the expression "summer and winter." (Psalms 74:17; Zechariah 14:18)
- Months . [MONTHS]
- Weeks . [WEEKS]
YEAR, noun [G.]
1. The space or period of time in which the sun moves through the twelve signs of the ecliptic, or whole circle, and returns to the same point. This is the solar year and the year in the strict and proper sense of the word. It is called also the tropical year This period comprehends what are called the twelve calendar months, or 365 days, 5 hours, and 49 minutes, within a small fraction. But in popular usage, the year consists of 365 days, and every fourth year of 366; a day being added to February, on account of the 5 hours and 49 minutes.
2. The time in which any planet completes a revolution; as the year of Jupiter or of Saturn.
3. The time in which the fixed states make a revolution, is called the great year
4. Years, in the plural, is sometimes equivalent to age or old age; as a man in years.
In popular language, year is often used for years. The horse is ten year old.
Sidereal year the time in which the sun, departing from any fixed star, returns to the same. This is 365 day, 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 11, 5 seconds.
Anomalistical year the time that elapses from the suns leaving its apogee, till it returns to it, which is 365 days, 6 hours, 14 minutes.
Civil year the year which nay nation has contrived for the computation of time.
Bissextile or leap year the year consisting of 366 days.
Lunar year consists of 12 lunar months.
Lunar astronomical year consists of 12 lunar synodical months, or 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 36 seconds.
Common lunar year consists of 12 lunar civil months, or 354 days.
Embolismic or intercalary year consists of 13 lunar civil months, and contains 384 days.
Julian year established by Julius Caesar, consists of 365 days, 6 hours.
Gregorian year is the Julian year corrected and is the year now generally used in Europe. From the difference between this and the Julian year arises the distinction of Old and New Style.
Sabbatic year among the Israelites, was every seventh year when their land was suffered to lid untilled.
The civil or legal year in England, formerly commenced on the 25th day of March. This practice continued till after the settlement of America, and the first settlers of New England observed it for many years.
YEAR-BOOK, noun [year and book.] A book containing annual reports of cases adjudged in the courts of England.
YEARED, adjective Containing years. [Not in use.]
YEARLING, noun A young beast one year old, or in the second year of his age.
YEARLING, adjective Being a year old; as a yearling heifer.
YEARLY, adjective
1. Annual; happening; accruing or coming every year; as a yearly rent or income.
2. Lasting a year; as a yearly plant.
3. Comprehending a year; as the yearly circuit or revolution of the earth.
YEARLY, adverb Annually; once a year; as blessings yearly bestowed.
YEARN, YERN, verb intransitive [G. The sense is to strain, or stretch forward. We have earnest from the same root.]
1. To be strained; to be pained or distressed; to suffer.
Falstaff, he is dead, and we must yearn therefore.
2. Usually, to long; to feel an earnest desire; that is literally, to have a desire or inclination stretching towards the object or end. 1 Kings 3:26.
Joseph made haste, for his bowels did yearn upon his brother. Genesis 43:30.
Your mothers heart yearns toward you.
--Anticlus, unable to control, spoke loud the language of his yearning soul.
YEARN, YERN, verb transitive To pain; to grieve; to vex.
She laments for it, that it would yearn your heart to see it.
It yearns me not if men my garments wear.
YEARNFUL, YERNFUL, adjective Mournful; distressing.
YEARNING, YERNING, participle passive Longing; having longing desire.

Bible Usage:
- year used 367 times.
- yearly used 9 times.
- years used 537 times.
- year's used twice.
- years' used twice.
- First Reference: Genesis 1:14
- Last Reference: Revelation 20:7
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H3117 Used 5 times
- H8140 Used 2 times
- H8141 Used 455 times
- G1096 Used 1 time
- G1333 Used 1 time
- G1763 Used 2 times
- G2094 Used 41 times
- G2250 Used 2 times
- G4137 Used 1 time
- G5063 Used 1 time
- G5148 Used 1 time