
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 26:2
- Last Reference: Revelation 21:17
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2706 Used 1 time
- H374 Used 2 times
- H4055 Used 1 time
- H4058 Used 7 times
- H4060 Used 15 times
- H4884 Used 4 times
- H4941 Used 2 times
- H520 Used 1 time
- H5429 Used 3 times
- H5432 Used 1 time
- H7991 Used 2 times
- H8506 Used 1 time
- G2596 Used 2 times
- G280 Used 2 times
- G3354 Used 3 times
- G3358 Used 13 times
- G4053 Used 1 time
- G4057 Used 1 time
- G5229 Used 2 times
- G5234 Used 1 time
- G5249 Used 1 time
- G5518 Used 1 time
Several words are so rendered in the Authorized Version.
1. Those which are indefinite. (a) Hok, Isaiah 5:14, elsewhere "statute." (b) Mad, Job 11:9; Jeremiah 13:25, elsewhere "garment." (c) Middah, the word most frequently thus translated, Exodus 26:2, 8, etc. (d) Mesurah, Leviticus 19:35; 1 Chronicles 23:29. (e) Mishpat, Jeremiah 30:11, elsewhere "judgment." (f) Mithkoneth and token, Ezekiel 45:11. (g) In New Testament metron, the usual Greek word thus rendered (Matthew 7:2; 23:32; Mark 4:24).
2. Those which are definite. (a) Eyphah, Deuteronomy 25:14, 15, usually "ephah." (b) Ammah, Jeremiah 51:13, usually "cubit." (c) Kor, 1 Kings 4:22, elsewhere "cor;" Greek koros, Luke 16:7. (d) Seah, Genesis 18:6; 1 Samuel 25:18, a seah; Greek saton, Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:21. (e) Shalish, "a great measure," Isaiah 40:12; literally a third, i.e., of an ephah. (f) In New Testament batos, Luke 16:6, the Hebrew "bath;" and choinix, Revelation 6:6, the choenix, equal in dry commodities to one-eighth of a modius.
1. Bushel, about a peck
Matthew 5:15; Mark 4:21; Luke 11:33
2. Cab, or kab, about two quarts
2 Kings 6:25
3. Cor, equal to one homer or ten ephahs, equal to about eleven and one-ninth bushels
1 Kings 4:22; 1 Kings 5:11; 2 Chronicles 2:10; 2 Chronicles 27:5; Ezra 7:22
4. Ephah, equal to three seah, and in liquid, to a bath, containing about a bushel and a half
Exodus 16:36; Leviticus 5:11; Leviticus 6:20; Leviticus 19:36; Numbers 5:15; Numbers 28:5; Judges 6:19; Ruth 2:17; 1 Samuel 1:24; 1 Samuel 17:17; Isaiah 5:10; Ezekiel 45:10-11; Ezekiel 45:13; Ezekiel 45:24; Ezekiel 46:5; Ezekiel 46:7; Ezekiel 46:11; Ezekiel 46:14; Amos 8:5; Zech 5:6-10
5. Half-homer, about five and a half bushels
Hosea 3:2
6. Homer, about eleven bushels, equal to a cor or ten ephahs
Leviticus 27:16; Numbers 11:32; Isaiah 5:10; Ezekiel 45:11-14; Hosea 3:2
7. Omer, about one bushel
Exodus 16:16; Exodus 16:18; Exodus 16:22; Exodus 16:32-33; Exodus 16:36
8. Seah, about a peck and a half
Genesis 18:6; 1 Samuel 25:18; 1 Kings 18:32; 2 Kings 7:1; 2 Kings 7:16; 2 Kings 7:18
9. Tenth deal, about a gallon, equal to one-tenth of an ephah
Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 14:10; Leviticus 14:21; Leviticus 23:13; Leviticus 23:17; Leviticus 24:5; Numbers 15:4; Numbers 15:6; Numbers 15:9; Numbers 28:9; Numbers 28:12-13; Numbers 28:20-21; Numbers 28:28-29; Numbers 29:3-4; Numbers 29:9-10; Numbers 29:14-15
1. Bath, about eight gallons and a half
1 Kings 7:26; 1 Kings 7:38; 2 Chronicles 2:10; 2 Chronicles 4:5; Ezra 7:22; Isaiah 5:10; Ezekiel 45:10-11; Ezekiel 45:14; Luke 16:6
2. Firkin, nearly nine gallons
John 2:6
3. Hin, about a gallon and a half
Exodus 29:40; Exodus 30:24; Leviticus 19:36; Leviticus 23:13; Numbers 15:4-10; Numbers 28:5; Numbers 28:7; Numbers 28:14; Ezekiel 4:11; Ezekiel 45:24; Ezekiel 46:5; Ezekiel 46:7; Ezekiel 46:11; Ezekiel 46:14
4. Log, about a pint, one-twelfth of a hin
Leviticus 14:10; Leviticus 14:12; Leviticus 14:15; Leviticus 14:21; Leviticus 14:24
5. See Weights
1. Finger
Jeremiah 52:21
2. Handbreadth
Exodus 25:25; Exodus 37:12; 1 Kings 7:26; 2 Chronicles 4:5; Psalms 39:5; Ezekiel 40:5; Ezekiel 40:43; Ezekiel 43:13
3. Span
Exodus 28:16; 1 Samuel 17:4; Isaiah 40:12; Isaiah 48:13; Lamentations 2:20; Ezekiel 43:13
4. Cubit, the length of the forearm
5. Reed, probably six cubits
Ezekiel 40:5
6. Fathom
Acts 27:28
7. Pace
2 Samuel 6:13
8. Furlong
Luke 24:13
9. Mile, probably nine-tenths of an English mile
Matthew 5:41
10. Sabbath day's journey, two thousand paces
Acts 1:12
Must be just
General references
Leviticus 19:35-36; Deuteronomy 25:13-16; Proverbs 11:1; Proverbs 16:11; Proverbs 20:10; Proverbs 20:23; Hosea 12:7-9; Micah 6:10-12
Dishonesty; Integrity
MEASURE, noun mezh'ur. [Latin mensura, from mensus, with a casual n, the participle of metior, to measure; Eng. to mete.]
1. The whole extent or dimensions of a thing, including length, breadth and thickness.
The measure thereof is longer than the earth and broader than the sea. Job 11:9.
It is applied also to length or to breadth separately.
2. That by which extent or dimension is ascertained, either length, breadth, thickness, capacity, or amount; as, a rod or pole is a measure of five yards and a half; an inch, a foot, a yard, are measures of length; a gallon is a measure of capacity. Weights and measures should be uniform. Silver and gold are the common measure of value.
3. A limited or definite quantity; as a measure of wine or beer.
4. Determined extent or length; limit.
Lord, make me to know my end, and the measure of my days. Psalms 39:4.
5. A rule by which any thing is adjusted or proportioned.
God's goodness is the measure of his providence.
6. Proportion; quantity settled.
I enter not into the particulars of the law of nature, or its measures of punishment; yet there is such a law.
7. Full or sufficient quantity.
I'll never pause again,
Till either death hath clos'd these eyes of mine,
Or fortune given me measure of revenge.
8. Extent of power or office.
We will not boast of things without our measure
9. Portion allotted; extent of ability.
If else thou seekest
Aught not surpassing human measure say.
10. Degree; quantity indefinite.
I have laid down, in some measure the description of the old world.
A great measure of discretion is to be used in the performance of confession.
11. In music, that division by which the motion of music is regulated; or the interval or space of time between the rising and falling of the hand or foot of him who beats time. This measure regulates the time of dwelling on each note. The ordinary or common measure is one second.
12. In poetry, the measure or meter is the manner of ordering and combining the quantities, or the long and short syllables. Thus, hexameter, pentameter, Iambic, Sapphic verses, etc. consist of different measure
13. In dancing, the interval between steps, corresponding to the interval between notes in the music.
My legs can keep no measure in delight.
14. In geometry, any quantity assumed as one or unity, to which the ratio of other homogeneous or similar quantities is expressed.
15. Means to an end; an act, step or proceeding towards the accomplishment of an object; an extensive signification of the word, applicable to almost every act preparatory to a final end, and by which it is to be attained. Thus we speak of legislative measures, political measures, public measures, prudent measures, a rash measure effectual measures, inefficient measures.
In measure with moderation; with excess.
Without measure without limits; very largely or copiously.
To have hard measure to be harshly or oppressively treated.
Lineal or long measure measure of length; the measure of lines or distances.
Liquid measure the measure of liquors.
MEASURE, verb transitive mezh'ur. To compute or ascertain extent, quantity, dimensions or capacity by a certain rule; as, to measure land; to measure distance; to measure the altitude of a mountain; to measure the capacity of a ship or of a cask.
1. To ascertain the degree of any thing; as, to measure the degrees of heat, or of moisture.
2. To pass through or over.
We must measure twenty miles to day.
The vessel plows the sea,
And measures back with speed her former way.
3. To judge of distance, extent or quantity; as, to measure any thing by the eye.
Great are thy works, Jehovah, infinite
Thy power; what thought can measure thee?
4. To adjust; to proportion.
To secure a contended spirit, measure your desires by your fortunes, not your fortunes by your desires.
5. To allot or distribute by measure
With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:2.
MEASURED, participle passive mezh'ured. Computed or ascertained by a rule; adjusted; proportioned; passed over.
1. adjective Equal; uniform; steady. He walked with measured steps.
MEASURELESS, adjective mezh'urless. Without measure; unlimited; immeasurable.
MEASUREMENT, noun mezh'urment. The act of measuring; mensuration.
MEASURER, noun mezh'urer. One who measures; one whose occupation or duty is to measure commodities in market.

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: Exodus 26:2
- Last Reference: Revelation 21:17
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: Yes
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H2706 Used 1 time
- H374 Used 2 times
- H4055 Used 1 time
- H4058 Used 7 times
- H4060 Used 15 times
- H4884 Used 4 times
- H4941 Used 2 times
- H520 Used 1 time
- H5429 Used 3 times
- H5432 Used 1 time
- H7991 Used 2 times
- H8506 Used 1 time
- G2596 Used 2 times
- G280 Used 2 times
- G3354 Used 3 times
- G3358 Used 13 times
- G4053 Used 1 time
- G4057 Used 1 time
- G5229 Used 2 times
- G5234 Used 1 time
- G5249 Used 1 time
- G5518 Used 1 time