
Bible Usage:
- over used 1,008 times.
- overlaying used twice.
- overrunning used once.
- First Reference: Genesis 1:18
- Last Reference: Revelation 18:20
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1157 Used 1 time
- H1541 Used 1 time
- H1801 Used 1 time
- H2498 Used 1 time
- H3399 Used 1 time
- H3605 Used 1 time
- H413 Used 24 times
- H4480 Used 6 times
- H4605 Used 2 times
- H4623 Used 1 time
- H4910 Used 3 times
- H5048 Used 1 time
- H5414 Used 2 times
- H5462 Used 1 time
- H5534 Used 1 time
- H5674 Used 163 times
- H5736 Used 3 times
- H5848 Used 1 time
- H5921 Used 416 times
- H5922 Used 13 times
- H5924 Used 1 time
- H5927 Used 1 time
- H5975 Used 1 time
- H6452 Used 1 time
- H6485 Used 1 time
- H6743 Used 1 time
- H7287 Used 2 times
- H7310 Used 1 time
- H7554 Used 1 time
- H7980 Used 2 times
- H8269 Used 1 time
- H8610 Used 1 time
- G1224 Used 1 time
- G1276 Used 5 times
- G1277 Used 1 time
- G1330 Used 4 times
- G1537 Used 4 times
- G1722 Used 1 time
- G1883 Used 6 times
- G1909 Used 49 times
- G1924 Used 1 time
- G2064 Used 1 time
- G2233 Used 3 times
- G2358 Used 1 time
- G2634 Used 1 time
- G2961 Used 5 times
- G3346 Used 1 time
- G3860 Used 2 times
- G3928 Used 1 time
- G4008 Used 3 times
- G4012 Used 2 times
- G4121 Used 1 time
- G4291 Used 1 time
- G5055 Used 1 time
- G5228 Used 1 time
- G5231 Used 1 time
- G5240 Used 1 time
- G757 Used 2 times
- G831 Used 1 time
O'VER, preposition [Latin super., Gr.]
1. Across; from side to side; implying a passing or moving either above the substance or thing, or on the surface of it. Thus we say, a dog leaps over a stream, or over a table; a boat sails over a lake.
2. Above in place or position; opposed to below; as the clouds over our heads. The smoke rises over the city.
The mercy-seat that is over the testimony. Exodus 30:6.
3. Above, denoting superiority in excellence, dignity or value; as the advantages which the christian world has over the heathen.
Young Pallas shone conspicuous o'er the rest.
4. Above in authority, implying the right or power of superintending or governing; opposed to under.
Thou shalt be over my house. Genesis 41:33.
I will make thee ruler over many things. Matthew 25:21.
5. Upon the surface or whole surface; through the whole extent; as, to wander over the earth; to walk over a field, or over a city.
6. Upon. Watch over your children.
Dost thou not watch over my sin? Job 14:16.
His tender mercies are over all his works. Psalms 145:9.
7. During the whole time; from beginning to end; as, to keep any thing over night; to keep corn over winter.
8. Above the top; covering; immersing; as, the water is over the shoes or boots.
Over night. In this phrase, over sometimes signifies before; as, when preparing for a journey, we provide things necessary over night.
Over, in poetry, is often contracted into o'er.
O'VER, adverb
1. From side to side; as a board a foot over; a tree a foot over a foot in diameter.
2. On the opposite side. The boat is safe over
3. From one to another by passing; as, to deliver over goods to another.
4. From one country to another by passing; as, to carry any thing over to France, or to bring any thing over to England.
5. On the surface.
6. Above the top.
Good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom. Luke 6:38.
7. More than the quantity assigned; beyond a limit.
He that gathered much had nothing over Exodus 14:2.
8. Throughout; from beginning to end; completely; as, to read over a book; to argue a question over again.
Over and over repeatedly; once and again.
And every night review'd it o'er and o'er.
Over again, once more; with repetition.
O kill not all my kindred o'er again.
Over and above, besides; beyond what is supposed or limited.
He gained, over and above, the good will of the people.
Over against, opposite; in front.
Over against this church stands a large hospital.
Over is used with rolling or turning from side to side; as, to turn over; to roll over
1. To give over to cease from; as, to give over an enterprize.
2. To consider as in a hopeless state; as, the physicians have given over their patient.
Over, in composition, denotes spreading, covering above; as in overcast, overflow; or across, as to overhear; or above, as to overhang; or turning, changing sides, as in overturn; or more generally beyond, implying excess or superiority, as in overact, overcome.
O'VER, adjective
1. Past.
The Olympic games were over
2. Upper; covering; as over-shoes; over-leather.
OVERABOUND', verb intransitive To abound more than enough; to be superabundant.
OVERACT', verb transitive To act or perform to excess; as, he overacted his part.
OVERACT', verb intransitive To act more than is necessary.
OVERAG'ITATE, verb transitive To agitate or discuss beyond what is expedient.
O'VERALLS, noun A kind of trousers.
OVERANX'IOUS, adjective Anxious to excess.
OVER'ARCH, verb transitive To arch over; to cover with an arch.
Brown with o'erarching shades.
OVERAWE, verb transitive overaw'. To restrain by awe, fear or superior influence.
The kind was present in person to overlook that magistrates and overawe the subjects with the terror of his sword.
OVERBAL'ANCE, verb transitive To weigh down; to exceed in weight, value or importance. The evils which spring from vice overbalance all its pleasures.
OVERBAL'ANCE, noun Excess of weight or value; something more than an equivalent; as an overbalance of exports; an overbalance of probabilities.
OVERBAT'TLE, adjective
Too fruitful; exuberant. [Not used.]
OVERBEAR, verb transitive [See Bear.] To bear down; to repress; to subdue.
The point of reputation, when the news first came of the battle lost, did overbear the reason of war.
Yet fortune, valor, all is overborne by numbers.
Till overborne with weight the Cyprians fell.
OVERBEARING, participle present tense
1. Bearing down; repressing.
2. adjective Haughty and dogmatical; disposed or tending to repress or subdue by insolence or effrontery.
OVERBEND', verb transitive To bend or stretch to excess.
OVERBID', verb transitive
1. To bid or offer beyond.
2. To bid or offer more than an equivalent.
OVERBLOW, verb intransitive
1. To blow with too much violence; a seaman's phrase.
2. To blow over, or be past its violence. [Not used.]
OVERBLOW, verb transitive To blow away; to dissipate by wind.
OVERBLOWN, participle passive Blown by and gone; blown away; driven by; past.
And when this cloud of sorrow's overblown
OVERBOARD, adverb Literally, over the side of a ship; hence, out of a ship or from on board; as, to fall overboard; which of course is to fall into the water.
OVERBROW', verb transitive To hang over.
OVERBUILT, participle passive overbilt'. Built over.
OVERBULK', verb transitive To oppress by bulk. [Not used.]
OVERBUR'DEN, verb transitive To load with too great weight.
OVERBUR'DENED, participle passive Overloaded.
OVERBURN', verb transitive To burn too much.
OVERBUSY, adjective overbiz'zy. Too busy; officious.
OVERBUY', verb transitive To buy at too dear a rate.
OVERCAN'OPY, verb transitive To cover as with a canopy.
OVERCA'RE, noun Excessive care or anxiety.
OVERCA'REFUL, adjective Careful to excess.
OVERCAR'RY, verb transitive To carry too far; to carry or urge beyond the proper point.
OVERC'AST, verb transitive
1. To cloud; to darken; to cover with gloom.
The clouds that overcast our morn shall fly.
2. To cast or compute at too high a rate; to rate too high.
The king in his account of peace and calms did much overcast his fortunes -
3. To sew over.
OVERC'AST, participle passive Clouded; overspread with clouds or gloom.
The dawn is overcast
Our days of age are sad and overcast
OVERCAU'TIOUS, adjective Cautious or prudent to excess.
OVERCH'ARGE, verb transitive
1. To charge or load to excess; to cloy; to oppress.
The heavy load of abundance with which we overcharge nature -
2. To crowd too much.
Our language is overcharged with consonants.
3. To burden.
4. To fill to excess; to surcharge; as, to overcharge the memory.
5. To load with too great a charge, as a gun.
6. To charge too much; to enter in an account more than is just.
1. An excessive load or burden.
2. A charge in an account of more than is just.
3. A charge beyond what is proper.
OVERCLIMB, verb transitive To climb over.
OVERCLOUD', verb transitive To cover or overspread with clouds.
OVERCLOY', verb transitive To fill beyond satiety.
OVERCOLD, adjective Cold to excess.
OVERCOME, verb transitive [See Come.]
1. To conquer; to vanquish; to subdue; as, to overcome enemies in battle.
2. To surmount; to get the better of; as, to overcome difficulties or obstacles.
3. To overflow; to surcharge. [Not used.]
4. To come upon; to invade. [Not used.]
OVERCOME, verb intransitive To gain the superiority; to be victorious.
OVERCOMER, noun One who vanquishes or surmounts.
See Perseverance
OVERCOMINGLY, adverb With superiority.
OVERCON'FIDENCE, noun Excessive confidence.
OVERCORN', verb transitive To corn to excess.
OVERCOUNT', verb transitive To rate above the true value.
OVERCOV'ER, verb transitive To cover completely.
OVERCRED'ULOUS, adjective Too apt to believe.
OVERCROW, verb transitive To crow as in triumph. [Not used.]
OVERCU'RIOUS, adjective Curious or nice to excess.
OVERDA'TE, verb transitive To date beyond the proper period.
OVERDI'GHT, adjective Covered over. obsolete
OVERDIL'IGENT, adjective Diligent to excess.
OVERDO, verb transitive
1. To do or perform too much.
2. To harass; to fatigue; to oppress by too much action or labor.
3. To boil, bake or road too much.
OVERDO, verb intransitive To labor too hard; to do too much.
OVERDONE, participle passive
1. Overacted; acted to excess.
2. Wearied or oppressed by too much labor.
3. Boiled, baked or roasted too much.
OVERDOSE, noun Too great a dose.
OVERDRESS', verb transitive To dress to excess; to adorn too much.
OVERDRINK', verb transitive To drink to excess.
OVERDRI'VE, verb transitive To drive too hard, or beyond strength.
OVERDRY', verb transitive To dry too much.
OVERE'AGER, adjective Too eager; too vehement in desire.
OVERE'AGERLY, adverb With excessive eagerness.
OVERE'AGERNESS, noun Excess of earnestness.
OVERE'AT, verb transitive To eat to excess.
OVEREL'EGANT, adjective Elegant to excess.
OVEREMP'TY, verb transitive To make too empty.
OVEREYE, verb transitive
1. To superintend; to inspect. [Little used.]
2. To observe to remark.
O'VERFALL, noun A cataract; the fall of a river.
OVERFATIGUE, noun overfatee'g. To fatigue to excess.
OVERFATIGUE, verb transitive overfatee'g. To fatigue to excess.
OVERFEE'D, verb transitive To feed to excess.
OVERFILL', verb transitive To fill to excess; to surcharge.
OVERFLOAT, verb transitive To overflow; to inundate.
OVERFLOURISH, verb transitive overflur'ish. To make excessive display or flourish.
OVERFLOW, verb transitive
1. To spread over, as water; to inundate; to cover with water or other fluid.
2. To fill beyond the brim.
3. To deluge; to overwhelm; to cover, as with numbers.
The northern nations overflowed all christendom.
OVERFLOW, verb intransitive
1. To run over; to swell and run over the brim or banks.
2. To be abundant; to abound; to exuberate; as overflowing plenty.
O'VERFLOW, noun An inundation; also, superabundance.
OVERFLOWING, participle present tense Spreading over, as a fluid; inundating; running over the brim or banks.
OVERFLOWING, adjective Abundant; copious; exuberant.
OVERFLOWING, noun Exuberance; copiousness.
OVERFLOWINGLY, adverb Exuberantly; in great abundance.
OVERFLUSH', verb transitive To flush to excess.
OVERFLUSH'ED, participle passive
1. Flushed to excess; reddened to excess.
2. Elated to excess.
OVERFLY', verb transitive To pass over or cross by flight.
OVERFOR'WARD, adjective Forward to excess.
OVERFOR'WARDNESS, adjective Too great forwardness or readiness; officiousness.
OVERFREIGHT, verb transitive overfra'te. [See Freight.]
To load too heavily; to fill with too great quantity or numbers; as, to overfreight a boat.
OVERFRU'ITFUL, adjective Too rich; producing superabundant crops.
OVERGET', verb transitive To reach; to overtake. [Not used.]
OVERGILD', verb transitive To gild over; to varnish.
OVERGIRD', verb transitive To gird or bind too closely.
OVERGL'ANCE, verb transitive To glance over; to run over with the eye.
OVERGO', verb transitive
1. To exceed; to surpass.
2. To cover. [Not used.]
OVERGONE, participle passive overgawn'. Injured; ruined.
OVERGORGE, verb transitive overgorj'. To gorge to excess.
OVERGR'ASSED, participle passive Overstocked with grass; overgrown with grass.
OVERGREAT, adjective Too great.
OVERGROW, verb transitive
1. To cover with growth or herbage.
2. To grow beyond; to rise above.
OVERGROW, verb intransitive To grow beyond the fit or natural size; as a hugh overgrown ox.
OVERGROWTH, noun Exuberant or excessive growth.
OVERHALE. [See Overhaul.]
OVERHAND'LE, verb transitive To handle too much; to mention too often.
OVERHANG', verb transitive
1. To impend or hang over.
2. To jut or project over.
OVERHANG', verb intransitive To jut over.
OVERH'ARDEN, verb transitive To harden too much; to make too hard.
OVERHASTILY, adverb In too much haste.
OVERHASTINESS, noun Too much haste; percipitation.
OVERHASTY, adjective Too hasty; precipitate.
OVERHAUL', verb transitive
1. To spread over.
2. To turn over for examination; to separate and inspect.
3. To draw over.
4. To examine again.
5. To gain upon in a chase; to overtake.
OVERHEAD, adverb overhed'. Aloft; above; in the zenith or ceiling.
OVERHE'AR, verb transitive To hear by accident; to hear what is not addressed to the hearer, or not intended to be heard by him.
OVERHE'ARD, participle passive Heard by accident.
OVERHE'AT, verb transitive To heat to excess.
OVERHE'LE, verb transitive To cover over. [Not used.]
OVERHEND', verb transitive To overtake. [Not used.]
OVERJOY', verb transitive To give great joy to; to transport with gladness.
O'VERJOY, noun Joy to excess; transport.
OVERLA'BOR, verb transitive
1. To harass with toil.
2. To execute with too much care.
OVERLA'DE, verb transitive To load with too great a cargo or other burden.
OVERLA'DEN, participle passive Overburdened; loaded to excess.
OVERLA'ID, participle passive [See Overlay.] Oppressed with weight; smothered; covered over.
OVERL'ARGE, adjective Too large; too great.
OVERL'ARGENESS, noun Excess of size.
OVERLASH', verb intransitive
1. To exaggerate. [Little used.]
2. To proceed to excess. [Little used.]
OVERLA'Y, verb transitive
1. To lay too much upon; to oppress with incumbent weight; as a country overlaid with inhabitants.
Our sins have overlaid our hopes.
2. To cover to spread over the surface; as, to overlay capitals of columns with silver; cedar overlaid with gold.
3. To smother with close covering; as, to overlay an infant.
4. To overwhelm; to smother.
A heap of ashes that o'er lays your fire.
5. To cloud; to overcast.
- As when a cloud his beam doth overlay
6. To cover; to join two opposite sides by a cover.
And overlay with this portentous bridge the dark abyss.
OVERLA'YING, noun A superficial covering. Exodus 38:17.
OVERLE'AP, verb transitive To leap over; to pass or move from side to side by leaping; as, to overleap a ditch or a fence.
OVERLEAVEN, verb transitive overlev'n.
1. To leaven too much; to cause to rise and swell too much.
2. To mix too much with; to corrupt.
O'VERLETHER, noun The leather which forms or is intended to form the upper part of a shoe; that which is over the foot. [With us, this is called upper leather.]
OVERLIB'ERAL, adjective Too liberal; too free; abundant to excess; as overliberal diet.
OVERLIGHT, noun Too strong a light.
OVERLIVE, verb transitive overliv'. To outlive; to live longer than another; to survive. [We generally use outlive.]
OVERLIVE, verb intransitive overliv'. To live too long.
OVERLIV'ER, noun One that lives longest; a survivor.
OVERLOAD, verb transitive To load with too heavy a burden or cargo; to fill to excess; as, to overload the stomach or a vehicle.
OVERLONG', adjective Too long.
OVERLOOK', verb transitive
1. To view from a higher place; applied to persons; as, to stand on a hill and overlook a city.
2. To stand in a more elevated place, or to rise so high as to afford the means of looking down on; applied to things. The tower overlooked the town.
3. To see from behind or over the shoulder of another; to see from a higher position; as, to overlook a paper when one is writing.
4. To view fully; to peruse.
5. To inspect; to superintend; to oversee; implying care and watchfulness.
He was present in person to overlook the magistrates.
6. To review; to examine a second time or with care.
The time and care that are required to overlook and file and polish well.
7. To pass by indulgently; to excuse; not to punish or censure; as, to overlook faults.
8. To neglect; to slight.
They overlook truth in the judgment they pass on adversity and prosperity.
OVERLOOK'ER, noun One that overlooks.
OVERLOOP, now written orlop, which see.
OVERLOVE, verb transitive To love to excess; to prize or value too much.
O'VERLY, adjective Careless; negligent; inattentive. [Not used.]
OVERM'AST, verb transitive To furnish with a mast or with masts that are too long or too heavy for the weight of keel.
OVERM'ASTED, participle passive Having masts too long or too heavy for the ship.
OVERM'ASTER, verb transitive To overpower; to subdue; to vanquish; to govern.
OVERMATCH', verb transitive To be too powerful for; to conquer; to subdue; to oppress by superior force.
OVERMATCH', noun One superior in power; one able to overcome.
OVERMEASURE, verb transitive overmezh'ur. To measure or estimate too largely.
OVERMEASURE, noun overmezh'ur. Excess of measure; something that exceeds the measure proposed.
OVERMIX', verb transitive To mix with too much.
OVERMOD'EST, adjective Modest to excess; bashful.
O'VERMOST, adjective Highest; over the rest in authority.
OVERMUCH', adjective Too much; exceeding what is necessary or proper.
OVERMUCH', adverb In too great a degree.
OVERMUCH', noun More than sufficient.
OVERMUCH'NESS, noun Superabundance. [Not used and barbarous.]
OVERMUL'TITUDE, verb transitive To exceed in number. [Not used.]
OVERNA'ME, verb transitive To name over or in a series. [Not used.]
OVERNE'AT, adjective Excessively neat.
OVERNIGHT, noun Night before bed-time. [See Over, preposition ]
OVERNOISE, verb transitive overnoiz'. To overpower by noise.
OVEROFFEND'ED, adjective Offended to excess.
OVEROF'FICE, verb transitive To lord by virtue of an office. [Not used.]
OVEROFFI'CIOUS, adjective Too busy; too ready to intermeddle; too importunate.
OVERPA'INT, verb transitive To color or describe too strongly.
OVERP'ASS, verb transitive
1. To cross; to go over.
2. To overlook; to pass without regard.
3. To omit, as in reckoning.
4. To omit; not to receive or include.
OVERP'AST, participle passive Passed by; passed away; gone; past.
OVERPA'Y, verb intransitive
1. To pay too much or more than is due.
2. To reward beyond the price or merit.
OVERPEE'R, verb transitive To overlook; to hover over. [Not used.]
OVERPE'OPLE, verb transitive To overstock with inhabitants.
OVERPERCH', verb transitive To perch over or above; to fly over.
OVERPERSUA'DE, verb transitive To persuade or influence against one's inclination or opinion.
OVERPIC'TURE, verb transitive To exceed the representation or picture.
O'VERPLUS, noun [over and Latin plus, more.]
Surplus; that which remains after a supply, or beyond a quantity proposed. Take what is wanted and return the overplus
It would look like a fable to report that this gentleman gives away all which is the overplus of a great fortune.
OVERPLY', verb transitive To ply to excess; to exert with too much vigor.
OVERPOISE, verb transitive overpoiz'. To outweigh.
OVERPOISE, noun overpoiz'. Preponderant weight.
OVERPOL'ISH, verb transitive To polish too much.
OVERPON'DEROUS, adjective To heavy; too depressing.
OVERPOST, verb transitive To hasten over quickly.
OVERPOW'ER, verb transitive
1. To affect with a power or force that cannot be borne; as, the light overpowers the eyes.
2. To vanquish by force; to subdue; to reduce to silence in action or submission; to defeat.
OVERPRESS', verb transitive
1. To bear upon with irresistible force; to crush; to overwhelm.
2. To overcome by importunity.
OVERPRI'ZE, verb transitive To value or prize at too high a rate.
OVERPROMPT', adjective Too prompt; too ready or eager.
OVERPROMPT'NESS, noun Excessive promptness; precipitation.
OVERPROPO'RTION, verb transitive To make of too great proportion.
OVERQUI'ETNESS, noun Too much quietness.
OVERRA'KE, verb transitive To break in upon a ship. When the waves break in upon a ship riding at anchor, it is said, they overrake her, or she is overraked.
OVERRANK', adjective Too rank or luxuriant.
OVERRA'TE, verb transitive To rate at too much; to estimate at a value or amount beyond the truth.
OVERRE'ACH, verb transitive
1. To reach beyond in any direction; to rise above; to extend beyond.
2. To deceive by cunning, artifice or sagacity; to cheat.
OVERRE'ACH, verb intransitive Applied to horses, to strike the toe of the hind foot against the heel or shoe of the fore foot.
OVERRE'ACH, noun The act of striking the heel of the fore foot with the toe of the hind foot.
OVERRE'ACHER, noun One that overreaches; one that deceives.
OVERRE'ACHING, noun The act of deceiving; a reaching too far.
OVERRE'AD, verb transitive To read over; to peruse. [Not used.]
OVERRED', verb transitive To smear with a red color. [Not used.]
OVERRID'DEN, participle passive Rid to excess.
OVERRI'DE, verb transitive
1. To ride over. [Not used.]
2. To ride too much; to ride beyond the strength of the horse.
OVERRI'PEN, verb transitive To make too ripe.
OVERROAST, verb transitive To roast too much.
OVERRU'LE, verb transitive
1. To influence or control by predominant power; to subject to superior authority. The law must overrule all private opinions of right and wrong.
His passion and animosity overruled his conscience.
2. To govern with high authority.
3. In law, to supersede or reject; as, the plea was overruled by the court.
OVERRU'LER, noun One who controls, directs or governs.
OVERRU'LING, participle passive
1. Controlling; subjecting to authority.
2. adjective Exerting superior and controlling power; as an overruling Providence.
OVERRUN', verb transitive
1. To run or spread over; to grow over; to cover all over. The sluggard's farm is overrun with weeds. Some plants unchecked will soon overrun a field. The Canada thistle is overrunning the northern parts of New England, as it has overrun Normandy.
2. To march or rove over; to harass by hostile incursions; to ravage. The south of Europe was formerly overrun by the Goths, Vandals and other barbarians.
3. To outrun; to run faster than another and leave him behind.
Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi.
4. To overspread with numbers. Were it not for the ibis, it has been supposed Egypt would be overrun with crocodiles.
5. To injure by treading down.
6. Among printers, to change the disposition of types and carry those of one line into another, either in correction, or in the contraction or extension of columns.
OVERRUN', verb intransitive To overflow; to run over.
OVERRUN'NER, noun One that overruns.
OVERRUN'NING, participle present tense Spreading over; ravaging; changing the disposition of types.
OVERSAT'URATE, verb transitive To saturate to excess.
OVERSAT'URATED, participle passive More than saturated.
OVERSAT'URATING, participle present tense Saturating to excess.
OVERSCRU'PULOUS, adjective Scrupulous to excess.
OVERSEA, adjective Foreign; from beyond sea.
OVERSEE', verb transitive
1. To superintend; to overlook, implying care.
2. To pass unheeded; to omit; to neglect. [Not used.]
OVERSEE'N, participle passive
1. Superintended.
2. Mistaken; deceived. [Not used.]
General references
Matthew 24:48-49
1. One who overlooks; a superintendent; a supervisor.
2. An officer who has the care of the poor or of an idiot, etc.
OVERSET', verb intransitive
1. To turn from the proper position or basis; to turn upon the side, or to turn bottom upwards; as, to overset a coach, a ship or a building.
2. To subvert; to overthrow; as, to overset the constitution of a state; to overset a scheme of policy.
3. To throw off the proper foundation.
OVERSET', verb intransitive To turn or be turned over; to turn or fall off the basis or bottom. A crank vessel is liable to overset
OVERSHA'DE, verb transitive To cover with shade; to cover with any thing that causes darkness; to render dark or gloomy.
OVERSHAD'OW, verb intransitive
1. To throw a shadow over; to overshade.
2. To shelter; to protect; to cover with protecting influence.
OVERSHAD'OWER, noun One that throws a shade over any thing.
OVERSHAD'OWING, participle present tense Throwing a shade over; protecting.
OVERSHOOT', verb transitive
1. To shoot beyond the mark.
2. To pass swiftly over.
To overshoot one's self, to venture too far; to assert too much.
OVERSHOOT', verb intransitive To fly beyond the mark.
OVERSHOT', participle passive Shot beyond.
O'VERSHOT, adjective An overshot wheel is one that receives the water, shot over the top, on the descent. An overshot wheel is moved by less water than an undershot wheel.
1. Superintendence; watchful care. 1 Peter 5:2.
2. Mistake; an overlooking; omission; error.
OVERSI'ZE, verb transitive
1. To surpass in bulk or size. [Not much used.]
2. To cover with viscid matter.
OVERSKIP', verb transitive
1. To skip or leap over; to pass by leaping.
2. To pass over.
3. To escape.
OVERSLEE'P, verb transitive To sleep too long; as, to oversleep the usual hour of rising.
OVERSLIP', verb transitive To slip or pass without notice; to pass undone, unnoticed or unused; to omit; to neglect; as, to overslip time or opportunity.
OVERSLOW, verb transitive To render slow; to check; to curb. [Not used.]
OVERSNOW, verb transitive To cover with snow. [Not much used.]
OVERSOLD, participle passive Sold at too high a price.
OVERSOON', adverb Too soon.
OVERSOR'ROW, verb transitive To grieve or afflict to excess.
OVERSPAN', verb transitive To reach or extend over.
OVERSPE'AK, verb transitive To speak too much; to use too many words.
OVERSPENT', participle passive [See Spend.] Harassed or fatigued to an extreme degree.
OVERSPREAD, verb transitive overspred'.
1. To spread over; to cover over. The deluge overspread the earth.
2. To scatter over.
OVERSPREAD, verb intransitive overspred'. To be spread or scattered over; as, weeds overspread the ground.
OVERSTAND', verb transitive To stand too much on price or conditions; to lose a sale by holding the price too high.
OVERSTA'RE, verb transitive To stare wildly. [Not used.]
OVERSTEP', verb transitive To step over or beyond; to exceed.
OVERSTOCK', noun Superabundance; more than is sufficient.
OVERSTOCK', verb transitive
1. To fill too full; to crowd; to supply with more than is wanted. The world may be overstocked with inhabitants. The market is often overstocked with goods.
2. To furnish with more cattle than are wanted; as, to overstock a farm.
3. To supply with more seed than is wanted; as, to overstock land with clover.
OVERSTO'RE, verb transitive To store with too much; to supply or fill with superabundance.
OVERSTRA'IN, verb intransitive To strain to excess; to make too violent efforts.
OVERSTRA'IN, verb transitive To stretch too far.
OVERSTRI'KE, verb transitive To strike beyond.
OVERSTROW, verb transitive To spread or scatter over.
OVERSTROWN, participle passive Spread or scattered over.
OVERSUPPLY', verb transitive To furnish more than is sufficient.
OVERSWA'Y, verb transitive To overrule; to bear down; to control.
OVERSWELL', verb transitive To swell or rise above; to overflow.
O'VERT, adjective [Latin aperio.]
Open to view; public; apparent; as overt virtues; an overt essay. But the word is now used chiefly in law. Thus an overt act of treason is distinguished from secret design or intention not carried into effect, and even from words spoken. A market overt is a place where goods are publicly exposed to sale. A pound over, is one open overhead, as distinguished from a pound covert or close.
OVERTA'KE, verb transitive
1. To come up with in a course, pursuit, progress or motion; to catch.
The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake Exodus 15:9.
2. To come upon; to fall on afterwards. Vengeance shall overtake the wicked.
3. To take by surprise.
Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye who are spiritual, restore such one in the spirit of meekness. Galatians 6:1.
OVERT'ASK, verb transitive To impose too heavy a task or injunction on.
OVERTAX', verb transitive To tax too heavily.
OVERTHROW, verb transitive [See Throw.]
1. To turn upside down.
His wife overthrew the table.
2. To throw down.
3. To ruin; to demolish.
When the walls of Thebes he overthrew.
4. To defeat; to conquer; to vanquish; as, to overthrow an army or an enemy.
5. To subvert; to destroy; as, to overthrow the constitution or state; to overthrow religion.
1. The state of being overturned or turned off the basis.
2. Ruin; destruction; as the overthrow of the state.
3. Defeat; discomfiture; as the overthrow of enemies.
4. Degradation.
OVERTHROWER, noun One that overthrows, defeats or destroys.
OVERTHWART', adjective
1. Opposite; being over the way or street.
2. Crossing at right angles.
3. Cross; perverse; adverse; contradictions.
OVERTHWART', preposition Across; from side to side.
1. Across; transversely.
2. Perversely.
1. The state of being athwart or lying across.
2. Perverseness; pervicacity.
OVERTI'RE, verb transitive To tire to excess; to subdue by fatigue.
OVERTI'TLE, verb transitive To give too high a title to.
O'VERTLY, adverb Openly; in open view; publicly.
OVERTOOK', preterit tense of overtake.
OVERTOP', verb transitive
1. To rise above the top.
2. To excel; to surpass.
3. To obscure; to make of less importance by superior excellence.
OVERTOW'ER, verb transitive To soar too high.
OVERTRIP', verb transitive To trip over; to walk nimbly over.
OVERTRUST', verb transitive To trust with too much confidence.
1. Opening; disclosure; discovery. [In this literal sense, little used.]
2. Proposal; something offered for consideration, acceptance or rejection. The prince made overtures of peace, which were accepted.
3. The opening piece, prelude or symphony of some public act, ceremony or entertainment. The overture in theatrical entertainments, is a piece of music usually ending in a fugue. The overture of a jubilee is a general procession, etc.
OVERTURN', verb transitive
1. To overset; to turn or throw from a basis or foundation; as, to overturn a carriage or a building.
2. To subvert; to ruin; to destroy.
3. To overpower; to conquer.
O'VERTURN, noun State of being overturned or subverted; overthrow.
OVERTURN'ABLE, adjective That may be overturned. [Not much used.]
OVERTURN'ED, participle passive Overset; overthrown.
OVERTURN'ER, noun One that overturns or subverts.
OVERTURN'ING, participle present tense Oversetting; overthrowing; subverting.
OVERTURN'ING, noun An oversetting; subversion; change; revolution.
OVERVAL'UE, verb transitive To rate at too high a price.
OVERVEIL, verb transitive To cover; to spread over.
OVERVO'TE, verb transitive To outvote; to outnumber in votes given.
OVERWATCH', verb transitive To watch to excess; to subdue by long want of rest.
OVERWATCH'ED, adjective Tired by too much watching.
OVERWE'AK, adjective Too weak; too feeble.
OVERWE'ARY, verb transitive To subdue with fatigue.
OVERWEATHER, verb transitive overweth'er. [See Weather.] To bruise or batter by violence of weather.
OVERWEE'N, verb intransitive [seen is obsolete, except in composition. See the word.]
1. To think too highly; to think arrogantly or conceitedly.
2. To reach beyond the truth in thought; to think too favorably.
OVERWEE'NING, participle present tense
1. Thinking too highly or conceitedly.
2. adjective That thinks too highly, particularly of one's self; conceited; vain; as overweening pride; an overweening brain.
OVERWEE'NINGLY, adverb With too much vanity or conceit.
OVERWEIGH, verb transitive To exceed in weight; to cause to preponderate; to outweigh; to overbalance.
OVERWEIGHT, noun Greater weight; preponderance.
OVERWHELM', verb transitive
1. To overspread or crush beneath something violent and weighty, that covers or encompasses the whole; as, to overwhelm with waves.
2. To immerse and bear down; in a figurative sense; as, to be overwhelmed with cares, afflictions or business.
3. To overlook gloomily.
4. To put over. [Not used.]
O'VERWHELM, noun The act of overwhelming.
OVERWHELM'ING, participle present tense Crushing with weight or numbers.
OVERWHELM'INGLY, adverb In a manner to overwhelm.
OVERWING', verb transitive To outflank; to extend beyond the wing of an army.
OVERWI'SE, adjective s as z. Wise to affectation.
OVERWI'SENESS, noun Pretended or affected wisdom.
OVERWORD', verb transitive To say too much.
OVERWORK', verb transitive To work beyond the strength; to cause to labor too much; to tire.
OVERWORN, adjective
1. Worn out; subdued by toil.
2. Spoiled by time.
OVERWRESTLE, verb transitive overres'l. To subdue by wrestling.
OVERWROUGHT, participle passive overraut'.
1. Labored to excess.
2. Worked all over; as overwrought with ornaments.
OVERYE'ARED, adjective Too old. [Not used.]
OVERZE'ALED, adjective Too much excited with zeal; ruled by too much zeal.
OVERZEALOUS, adjective overzel'ous. Too zealous; eager to excess.

Bible Usage:
- over used 1,008 times.
- overlaying used twice.
- overrunning used once.
- First Reference: Genesis 1:18
- Last Reference: Revelation 18:20
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1157 Used 1 time
- H1541 Used 1 time
- H1801 Used 1 time
- H2498 Used 1 time
- H3399 Used 1 time
- H3605 Used 1 time
- H413 Used 24 times
- H4480 Used 6 times
- H4605 Used 2 times
- H4623 Used 1 time
- H4910 Used 3 times
- H5048 Used 1 time
- H5414 Used 2 times
- H5462 Used 1 time
- H5534 Used 1 time
- H5674 Used 163 times
- H5736 Used 3 times
- H5848 Used 1 time
- H5921 Used 416 times
- H5922 Used 13 times
- H5924 Used 1 time
- H5927 Used 1 time
- H5975 Used 1 time
- H6452 Used 1 time
- H6485 Used 1 time
- H6743 Used 1 time
- H7287 Used 2 times
- H7310 Used 1 time
- H7554 Used 1 time
- H7980 Used 2 times
- H8269 Used 1 time
- H8610 Used 1 time
- G1224 Used 1 time
- G1276 Used 5 times
- G1277 Used 1 time
- G1330 Used 4 times
- G1537 Used 4 times
- G1722 Used 1 time
- G1883 Used 6 times
- G1909 Used 49 times
- G1924 Used 1 time
- G2064 Used 1 time
- G2233 Used 3 times
- G2358 Used 1 time
- G2634 Used 1 time
- G2961 Used 5 times
- G3346 Used 1 time
- G3860 Used 2 times
- G3928 Used 1 time
- G4008 Used 3 times
- G4012 Used 2 times
- G4121 Used 1 time
- G4291 Used 1 time
- G5055 Used 1 time
- G5228 Used 1 time
- G5231 Used 1 time
- G5240 Used 1 time
- G757 Used 2 times
- G831 Used 1 time