
Bible Usage:
- thunder used 19 times.
- thundered used 4 times.
- thundereth used 3 times.
- thunderings used 6 times.
- thunders used 7 times.
- First Reference: Job 37:4
- Last Reference: Psalms 29:3
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H7481 Used 3 times
Often referred to in Scripture (Job 40:9; Psalms 77:18; 104:7). James and John were called by our Lord "sons of thunder" (Mark 3:17). In Job 39:19, instead of "thunder," as in the Authorized Version, the Revised Version translates (ra'amah) by "quivering main" (marg., "shaking"). Thunder accompanied the giving of the law at Sinai (Exodus 19:16). It was regarded as the voice of God (Job 37:2; Psalms 18:13; 81:7; comp. John 12:29). In answer to Samuel's prayer (1 Samuel 12:17, 18), God sent thunder, and "all the people greatly feared," for at such a season (the wheat-harvest) thunder and rain were almost unknown in Palestine.
Sent as a plague:
Upon the Egyptians
Exodus 9:23-34
Upon the Philistines, in battle with the children of Israel
1 Samuel 7:10
Sent as a judgment
Isaiah 29:6
On Sinai
Exodus 19:16; Psalms 77:18; Hebrews 12:18-19
A token of divine anger
1 Samuel 12:17-18
A manifestation of divine power
Job 26:14; Psalms 77:18
Sons of Zebedee called sons of thunder
Mark 3:17
is hardly ever heard in Palestine form the middle of April to the middle of September; hence it was selected by Samuel as a striking expression of the divine displeasure toward the Isr'lites. (1 Samuel 12:17) Rain in harvest was deemed as extraordinary as snow in summer, (Proverbs 26:1) and Jerome states that he had never witnessed it in the latter part of June or in July. Comm. on (Amos 4:7) In the imaginative philosophy of the Hebrews, thunder was regarded as the voice of Jehovah, (Job 37:2,4,5; 40:9; Psalms 18:13; 29:3-9; Isaiah 30:30,31) who dwelt behind the thunder-cloud. (Psalms 81:7) Thunder was, to the mind of the Jew, the symbol of divine power (Psalms 29:3) etc., and vengeance. (1 Samuel 2:10; 2 Samuel 22:14)
THUN'DER, noun [Latin tonitru, from tono, to sound.]
1. The sound which follows an explosion of electricity or lightning; the report of a discharge of electrical fluid, that is, of its passage from one cloud to another, or from a cloud to the earth, or from the earth to a cloud. When this explosion is near to a person, the thunder is a rattling or clattering sound, and when distant, the sound is heavy and rumbling. The fact is in some degree the same with the report of a cannon. This sharpness or acuteness of the sound when near, and the rumbling murmur when distant, are the principal distinctions in thunder [Thunder is not lightning, but the effect of it. See Johnson's Dictionary, under thunder ]
There were thunders and lightnings. Exodus 19:16.
2. thunder is used for lightning, or for a thunderbolt, either originally through ignorance, or by way of metaphor, or because the lightning and thunder are closely united.
The revenging gods
'Gainst parricides all the thunder bend.
3. Any loud noise; as the thunder of cannon.
Sons of thunder Mark 3:17.
4. Denunciation published; as the thunders of the Vatican.
THUN'DER, verb intransitive To sound, rattle or roar, as an explosion of electricity.
Canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Job 40:9.
1. To make a loud noise, particularly a heavy sound of some continuance.
His dreadful voice no more
Would thunder in my ears.
2. To rattle, or give a heavy rattling sound.
And roll the thund'ring chariot o'er the ground.
THUN'DER, verb transitive To emit with noise and terror.
Oracles severe
Were daily thunder'd in our gen'ral's ear.
1. To publish any denunciation or threat.
An archdeacon, as being a prelate, may thunder out an ecclesiastical censure.
THUN'DERBOLT, noun [thunder and bolt.]
1. A shaft of lightning; a brilliant stream of the electrical fluid, passing from one part of the heavens to another, and particularly from the clouds to the earth. Psalms 78:48.
2. Figuratively, a daring or irresistible hero; as the Scipios, those thunderbolts of war.
3. Fulmination; ecclesiastical denunciation.
He severely threatens such with the thunderbolt of excommunication.
4. In mineralogy, thunder-stone.
THUN'DER-CLAP, noun [thunder and clap.] A burst of thunder; sudden report of an explosion of electricity.
When suddenly the thunder-clap was heard.
THUN'DER-CLOUD, noun [thunder and cloud.] A cloud that produces lightning and thunder.
THUN'DERER, noun He that thunders.
THUN'DER-HORSE, noun An instrument for illustrating the manner in which buildings receive damage by lightning.
THUN'DERING, participle present tense Making the noise of an electrical explosion; uttering a loud sound; fulminating denunciations.
THUN'DERING, noun The report of an electrical explosion; thunder.
Entreat the Lord that there by no more mighty thunderings and hail. Exodus 9:28.
THUN'DER-SHOWER, noun [thunder and shower.] A shower accompanied with thunder.
THUN'DER-STONE, noun A stone, otherwise called brontia.
THUN'DER-STORM, noun [thunder and storm.] A storm accompanied with lightning and thunder. Thunder clouds are often driven by violent winds. In America, the violence of the wind at the commencement, is sometimes equal to that of a hurricane, and at this time the explosions of electricity are the most terrible. This violence of the wind seldom continues longer than a few minutes, and after this subsides, the rain continues, but the peals of thunder are less frequent. These violent showers sometimes continue for hours; more generally, they are of shorter duration.
THUN'DER-STORM, verb transitive [thunder and strike.]
1. To strike, blast or injure by lightning. [Little used in its literal sense.]
2. To astonish or strike dumb, as with something terrible. [Little used except in the participle.]
THUN'DER-STRUCK, participle passive or adjective Astonished; amazed; struck dumb by something surprising or terrible suddenly presented to the mind or view. [This is a word in common use.]

Bible Usage:
- thunder used 19 times.
- thundered used 4 times.
- thundereth used 3 times.
- thunderings used 6 times.
- thunders used 7 times.
- First Reference: Job 37:4
- Last Reference: Psalms 29:3
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H7481 Used 3 times