
Bible Usage:
- Bible Reference: Joshua 10:27
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: No
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: No
There are numerous natural caves among the limestone rocks of Syria, many of which have been artificially enlarged for various purposes.
The first notice of a cave occurs in the history of Lot (Genesis 19:30).
The next we read of is the cave of Machpelah (q.v.), which Abraham purchased from the sons of Heth (Genesis 25:9, 10). It was the burying-place of Sarah and of Abraham himself, also of Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob (Genesis 49:31; 50:13).
The cave of Makkedah, into which the five Amorite kings retired after their defeat by Joshua (10:16, 27).
The cave of Adullam (q.v.), an immense natural cavern, where David hid himself from Saul (1 Samuel 22:1, 2).
The cave of Engedi (q.v.), now called Ain Jidy, i.e., the "Fountain of the Kid", where David cut off the skirt of Saul's robe (24:4). Here he also found a shelter for himself and his followers to the number of 600 (23:29; 24:1). "On all sides the country is full of caverns which might serve as lurking-places for David and his men, as they do for outlaws at the present day."
The cave in which Obadiah hid the prophets (1 Kings 18:4) was probably in the north, but it cannot be identified.
The cave of Elijah (1 Kings 19:9), and the "cleft" of Moses on Horeb (Exodus 33:22), cannot be determined.
In the time of Gideon the Israelites took refuge from the Midianites in dens and caves, such as abounded in the mountain regions of Manasseh (Judges 6:2).
Caves were frequently used as dwelling-places (Numbers 24:21; Song of Solomon 2:14; Jeremiah 49:16; Obadiah 1:3). "The excavations at Deir Dubban, on the south side of the wady leading to Santa Hanneh, are probably the dwellings of the Horites," the ancient inhabitants of Idumea Proper. The pits or cavities in rocks were also sometimes used as prisons (Isaiah 24:22; 51:14; Zechariah 9:11). Those which had niches in their sides were occupied as burying-places (Ezekiel 32:23; John 11:38).
Used as a dwelling:
By Lot
Genesis 19:30
By Elijah
1 Kings 19:9
By Israelites
Ezekiel 33:27
By saints
Hebrews 11:38
Used as a place of refuge
Joshua 10:16-27; Judges 6:2; 1 Samuel 13:6; 1 Kings 18:4; 1 Kings 18:13; 1 Kings 19:9; 1 Kings 19:13
Used as a burial place
Genesis 23:9-20; Genesis 25:9; Genesis 49:29-32; Genesis 50:13; John 11:38
Of Adullam
1 Samuel 22:1; 2 Samuel 23:13; 1 Chronicles 11:15
Of En-Gedi
1 Samuel 24:3-8
The most remarkable caves noticed in Scripture are, that in which Lot dwelt after the destruction of Sodom, (Genesis 19:30) the cave of Machpelah, (Genesis 23:17) cave of Makkedah, (Joshua 10:10) cave of Adullam, (1 Samuel 22:1) cave od Engedi, (1 Samuel 24:3) Obadiah's cave, (1 Kings 18:4) Elijah's cave in Horeb, (1 Kings 19:9) the rock sepulchres of Lazarus and of our Lord. (Matthew 27:60; John 11:38) Caves were used for temporary dwelling-places and for tombs.
CAVE, noun A hollow place in the earth; a subterraneous cavern; a den. This may be natural or artificial. The primitive inhabitants of the earth, in many countries, lived in caves; and the present inhabitants of some parts of the earth, especially in the high northern latitudes, occupy caves, particularly in winter.
Lot dwelt in a cave he and his daughters. Genesis 19:30.
CAVEs were also used for the burial of the dead.
Abraham buried Sarah in the cave of the field of Machpelab. Genesis 23:9.
Bacon applies the word to the ear, the cave of the ear; but this application is unusual.
CAVE, verb transitive To make hollow.
CAVE, verb intransitive To dwell in a cave
To cave in, to fall in and leave a hollow, as earth on the side of a well or pit. When in digging into the earth, the side is excavated by a falling of a quantity of earth, it is said to cave in.
CAVEAT, noun
1. In law, a process in a court, especially in a spiritual court, to stop proceedings, as to stop the proving of a will; also to prevent the institution of a clerk to a benefice.
In America, it is used in courts of common law.
2. Intimation of caution; hint; warning; admonition.
CAVEAT, verb transitive To enter a caveat
CAVEATING, noun In fencing, is the shifting the sword from one side of that of your adversary to the other.
CAVEATOR, noun One who enters a caveat.
CAVERN, noun A deep hollow place in the earth. In general, it differs from cave in greater depth, and in being applied most usually to natural hollows, or chasms.
Earth with its caverns dark and deep.
CAVERNED, adjective
1. Full of caverns, or deep chasms; having caverns.
2. Inhabiting a cavern.
CAVERNOUS, adjective Hollow; full of caverns.
CAVERNULOUS, adjective Full of little cavities; as cavernulous metal.
CAVESSON, noun A sort of nose-band, of iron, leather or wood, sometimes flat, and sometimes hollow or twisted, which is put on the nose of a horse to wring it, and thus to forward the suppling and breaking of him.
CAVETTO, noun In architecture, a hollow member, or round concave molding, containing the quadrant of a circle; used as an ornament in cornices.
CAVIAR, noun The roes of certain large fish, prepared and salted. The best is made from the roes of the sterlet, sturgeon, sevruga, and beluga, caught in the lakes of rivers of Russia. The roes are put into a bag with a strong brine, and pressed by wringing, and then dried and put in casks, or into cisterns, perforated at bottom, where they are pressed by heavy weights. The poorest sort is trodden with the feet.

Bible Usage:
- Bible Reference: Joshua 10:27
- Included in Eastons: Yes
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: Yes
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: No
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: No