
Bible Usage:
- First Reference: 2 Samuel 14:26
- Last Reference: 2 Samuel 14:26
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1548 Used 3 times
POLL, noun
1. The head of a person, or the back part of the head, and in composition, applied to the head of a beast, as in poll-evil.
2. A register of heads, that is, of persons.
3. The entry of the names of electors who vote for civil officers. Hence,
4. An election of civil officers, or the place of election.
Our citizens say, at the opening or close of the poll that is, at the beginning of the register of voters and reception of votes, or the close of the same. They say also, we are going to the poll; many voters appeared at the poll
5. A fish called a chub or chevin. [See Pollard.]
POLL, verb transitive To lop the tops of trees.
1. To clip; to cut off the ends; to cut off hair or wool; to shear. The phrases, to poll the hair, and to poll the head, have been used. The latter is used in 2 Samuel 14:26. To poll a deed, is a phrase still used in law language.
2. To mow; to crop. [Not used.]
3. To peel; to strip; to plunder.
4. To take a list or register of persons; to enter names in a list.
5. To enter one's name in a list or register.
6. To insert into a number as a voter.
See Tax
POL'LACK, noun A fish, a species of Gadus or cod.
POL'LARD, noun [from poll.] A tree lopped.
1. A clipped coin.
2. The chub fish.
3. A stag that has cast his horns.
4. A mixture of bran and meal.
POL'LARD, verb transitive To lop the tops of trees; to poll.
POL'LEN, noun [Latin pollen pollis, fine flour; pulvis.]
1. The fecundating dust or fine substance like flour or meal, contained in the anther of flowers, which is dispersed on the pistil for impregnation; farin or farina.
2. Fine bran.
POL'LENGER, noun Brushwood.
POL'LENIN, noun [from pollen.] A substance prepared from the pollen of tulips, highly inflammable, and insoluble in agents which dissolve other vegetable products. Exposed to the air, it soon undergoes putrefaction.
POLLER, noun [from poll.] One that shaves persons; a barber. [Not used.
1. One that lops or polls trees.
2. A pillager; a plunderer; one that fleeces by exaction. [Not used.]
3. One that registers voters, or one that enters his name as a voter.
POLL-EVIL, noun [poll and evil.] A swelling or impostem on a horse's head, or on the nape of the neck between the ears.
POLLICITA'TION, noun [Latin pollicitatio.] A promise; a voluntary engagement, or a paper containing it.
POLLINC'TOR, noun [Latin] One that prepares materials for embalming the dead; a kind of undertaker.
POLLINIF'EROUS, adjective [Latin pollen and fero, to produce.]
Producing pollen.
POLLU'TE, verb transitive [Latin polluo; polluceo and possideo.]
1. To defile; to make foul or unclean; in a general sense. But appropriately, among the Jews, to make unclean or impure, in a legal or ceremonial sense, so as to disqualify a person for sacred services, or to render things unfit for sacred uses. Numbers 18:1. Exodus 20:1. 2 Kings 23:1. 2 Chronicles 36:1.
2. To taint with guilt.
Ye pollute yourselves with all your idols. Ezekiel 20:1.
3. To profane; to use for carnal or idolatrous purposes.
My sabbaths they greatly polluted. Ezekiel 20:1.
4. To corrupt or impair by mixture of ill, moral or physical.
Envy you my praise, and would destroy
With grief my pleasures, and pollute my joy?
5. To violate by illegal sexual commerce.
POLLU'TE, adjective Polluted; defiled.
POLLU'TED, participle passive Defiled; rendered unclean; tainted with guilt; impaired; profaned.
POLLU'TEDNESS, noun The state of being polluted; defilement.
POLLU'TER, noun A defiler; one that pollutes or profanes.
POLLU'TING, participle present tense Defiling; rendering unclean; corrupting; profaning.
POLLU'TION, noun [Latin pollutio.]
1. The act of polluting.
2. Defilement; uncleanness; impurity; the state of being polluted.
3. In the Jewish economy, legal or ceremonial uncleanness, which disqualified a person for sacred services or for common intercourse with the people, or rendered any thing unfit for sacred use.
4. In medicine, the involuntary emission of semen in sleep.
5. In a religious sense, guilt, the effect of sin; idolatry, etc.
POL'LUX, noun A fixed star of the second magnitude, in the constellation Gemini or the Twins.
1. [See Castor.]

Bible Usage:
- First Reference: 2 Samuel 14:26
- Last Reference: 2 Samuel 14:26
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: No
- Included in BDB: Yes
Strongs Concordance:
- H1548 Used 3 times