
Bible Usage:
- Bible Reference: Hebrews 5:14
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: No
Strongs Concordance:
- G145 Used 1 time
SENSE, noun [from Latin sensus, from sentio, to feel or perceive.]
1. The faculty of the soul by which it perceives external objects by means of impressions made on certain organs of the body.
SENSE is a branch of perception. the five senses of animals are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
2. Sensation; perception by the senses.
3. Perception by the intellect; apprehension; discernment.
4. Sensibility; quickness or acuteness of perception.
5. Understanding; soundness of faculties; strength of natural reason.
Opprest nature sleeps;
This rest might yet have balm'd thy broken senses. Shak.
6. Reason; reasonable or rational meaning.
He raves; his words are loose
As heaps of sand, and scattering wide from sense. Dryden.
7. Opinion; notion; judgement.
I speak my private but impartial sense
With freedom. Roscommon.
8. Consciousness; conviction; as a due sense of our weakness or sinfulness.
9. Moral perception.
Some are so hardened in wickedness, as to have no sense of the most friendly offices.
10. Meaning; important; signification; as the true sense of words or phrases. In interpretation, we are to examine whether words are to be understood in a literal or figurative sense. So we speak of a legal sense, a grammatical sense, an historical sense, etc.
Common sense, that power of the mind which, by a kind of instinct, or a short process of reasoning, perceives truth, the relation of things, cause and effect, etc. and hence enables the possessor to discern what is right, useful, expedient, or proper, and adopt the best meams to accomplish his purpose. This power seems to be the gift of nature, improved by experience and observation.
Moral sense, a determination of the mind to be pleased with the contemplation of those effections, actions or characters of rational agents, which are called good or virtuous.
SENS'ED, participle passive Perceived by the senses. [Not in use.]
SENSEFUL, adjective sens'ful. Reasonable; judicious. [Not in use.]
SENSELESS, adjective sens'less.
1. Wanting the faculty of perception. The body when dead is senseless; but a limb or other part of the body may be senseless, when the rest of the boky enjoys its usual sensibility.
2. Unfelling; wanting sympathy.
The senseless feels not your pious sorrows. Rowe.
3. Unreasonable; foolish; stupid.
They would repent this their senseless perverseness, when it would be to late.
4. Unreasonable; stupid; acting without sense or judgement.
Ther were a senseless stupid race. Swift.
5. Contrary to reason or sound judgement; as, to destroy by a senseless fondness the happiness of children.
6. Wanting knowledge; unconscious; with of; as libertiness, senseless of any charm in love.
7. Wanting sensibility or quick perception.
SENSELESSLY adverb sens'lessly. In a senseless manner; stupidly; unreasonably; as a man senselessly arrogant.
SENSELESSNESS, noun sens'lessness. Unreasonableness; folly; stupidity; absurdity.

Bible Usage:
- Bible Reference: Hebrews 5:14
- Included in Eastons: No
- Included in Hitchcocks: No
- Included in Naves: No
- Included in Smiths: No
- Included in Websters: Yes
- Included in Strongs: Yes
- Included in Thayers: Yes
- Included in BDB: No
Strongs Concordance:
- G145 Used 1 time