Strongs Number Symbols

Frequently asked questions:
In this dictionary the task of spliting the definitions has already been done
but the definitions in the original concordance contained three parts:
- the word origin
- the definition and
- the biblical usage
- The word origin starts from the beginning to the first semicolon.
- The definition starts after the first semicolon and extends to the colon and dash symbols (: -).
- Anything after this is a list of the biblical usage.
As an example let’s take the definition for the Strongs Number H400 - אכל - 'ôkel.
The definition looks like this:
From H398; food: - {eating} {food} meal {[-time]} {meat} {prey} victuals.
- The word origin is: From H398 (which points to a base word)
- The definition is: food
- The biblical usage is: {eating} {food} meal {[-time]} {meat} {prey} victuals.
The main word usage is the words not surrounded by brackets or braces which in this case is meal and victuals.
Symbols in the Biblical Usage:
+ (addition) denotes a rendering in the A.V. of one or more words in connection with the one under consideration.
× (multiplication) denotes a rendering in the A.V. that results from an idiom peculiar to the original language.
( ) or { } (parenthesis or braces), in the renderings of the A.V., denotes a word or syllable sometimes given in connection with the principal word to which it is connected.
[ ] (bracket), in the rendering from the A.V., signifies the inclusion of an additional word in the original language.
Italics, at the end of a rendering from the A.V., signifies an explanation of the variations from the usual word form.